We work for heritage institutions and other agencies that redevelop heritage. We believe it is important that the cultural-historical landscape continues to exist and are happy to contribute to ensuring its new functions. For example, a beautiful church in a village center can serve as an apartment complex with a preserved exterior and an interior with good living comfort.
Heritage can also relate to our landscape that is so characteristic that we want to preserve it. An example of this is the Dutch Waterline that runs like a meander through the Netherlands and our ecological main structures.
We analyse whether there is room for re-use and also make the financial calculations to see whether this is possible. We have both extensive experience to take the lead here and passion to commit ourselves fully to a sustainable future of special buildings and historical landscapes.
VKZ Heritage & Landscape clients include the Diocese of Haarlem, Natuurmonumenten and the Waterlinie Museum Fort Vechten.
Do you want to know how we can use our expertise for your organisation? Please contact Barend Jan Schrieken.