Of course, a dispute can arise between several parties. We can act as a mediator when a stalled process requires someone with administrative and substantive knowledge. We weigh up the various interests and bring parties together.
If, for example, a municipality, developer and corporation do not agree, we can empathise – based on our work experience with all these parties – with the different points of view and work towards a solution that is satisfactory for everyone.
During a coaching process we guide people who work in real estate or area development to further develop themselves. We support them strategically and as a sparring partner with the aim that we eventually become redundant and that he or she can continue independently.
We give our training courses to companies that look for a practical and substantive course. We provide clear examples, know how it works in the field and bring a dose of enthusiasm for the profession.
Some topics in which we have provided training in the past period are:
• Project-based Realisation.
• Supervision Architect selections.
• Supervision of European tenders.
• Portfolio management (strategic and financial).
• Conducting feasibility studies.
• Preparation of foundation cost estimates.
• Preparation of viability assessments for land developments.
• Real estate calculations.
We have also developed the “Bredeschool-Game”. A game for stakeholders developing a multifunctional accommodation. In the game, for example, a building that will house a library, school, childcare facility and neighbourhood theater must be developed. Each party has different wishes and the parties involved design a blueprint in game form taking into account all conditions, both process-related, substantive and financial. The game format with large coloured blocks and a life-size conceptual plan works so well because it provides insight into each other’s interests and results in a smooth process afterwards.