From origin we are raised to design and to make a policy based on blueprints. Although that was possible in the past, nowadays we have to recognize and acknowledge the needs of citizens, customers and the entrepreneurs. The possibilities of the policy makers and designers are defined by the market, which makes it hard to involve blueprints. The government has to realize that the gap between business and the market has to be overcome by building bridges. This will make mutual reinforcement possible, which we believe to be the key to a successful cooperation.
VKZ manages transformation, development and rezoning processes of landscape, and builds forth from abroad experience in the field of valuations of property and territory. We combine the market, it’s ambition, and it’s policy in a pragmatic way.
Clients with whom VKZ cooperates in the landscape sector are for example the Province of Utrecht and Noord-Holland, het Utrechtse Landschap, Nieuwe and Staatsbosbeheer.